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Pferdebalsam with hemp warming 250 ml

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This is a unique balm made from hemp and 25 herbs. Pferdebalsam with hemp is made according to a traditional Swiss recipe. It contains also the fruit and flowers of horse chestnut.
10,91 € without VAT

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Swissmedicus - km_konopi_chladiva_250_de.jpg
13,20 € 10,91 € without VAT

Pferdebalsam with hemp warming

This is a unique balm made from hemp and 25 herbs. Pferdebalsam with hemp is made according to a traditional Swiss recipe. It contains also the fruit and flowers of horse chestnut, which have been proven to be effective against varicose veins.

Pferdebalsam with hemp combines the relaxing effects of essentials oils with favourable effects of herbal extracts. A balanced content of the active substances provides a broad and strong effect.

The warming version of Pferdebalsam with hemp is an effective preventive product for warming up the locomotive apparatus. It is suitable for all ages.

Pferdebalsam contains hemp and 25 herbal extracts that are known to:

  • Help with joint, muscle and spine problems
  • Relieve rheumatic conditions
  • Provide help with lumbago problems

The gel consistency of the balsam ensures its fast absorption; it will not stain your clothes!

Method of application: After applying to the spot, gently massage such amount of gel that the skin absorbs. Apply to clean skin. The product is made on a natural basis, so it can be used for a long time without any restrictions. Regular use increases efficiency.

Caution: For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes and injured skin. If used in the area with varicose veins, do not attempt any massage, but only spread gently! Keep out of the reach of children. Do not use for children under 3 years of age. Store in a dry place and at room temperature. Rarely, an allergic reaction to one of the bioactive ingredients of the product may occur. If that is the case, it is necessary to interrupt the application and if the problems persist, see your physician. Very intensive skin reddening is natural and is seen as manifestation of a desirable increase of blood circulation.

Dermatologically tested. Original recipe.


  • Hemp
  • Common comfrey
  • Common juniper
  • Horse-chestnut
  • Mountain arnica
  • Scots pine
  • Silver fir
  • Chilli extract
  • Mountain pine
  • Cinnamon
  • Camphor
  • Common marigold
  • Wild chamomile
  • Baikal skullcap
  • Common thyme
  • Peppermint
  • True lavender
  • Grapefruit extract
  • Purple coneflower
  • Lemon extract
  • Common agrimony
  • Rosemary
  • European bistort
  • Ginkgo biloba
  • Black currant
  • Common heather
  • Cinnamon

Pferdebalsam has also been proven effective for varicose veins.

What problems can the balsam help you with?

A unique combination of herbs helps with joint, spine or lumbago problems. It also provides relief in the case of strained muscles. At the same time it works perfectly as a preventive measure because if applied before a sport activity it warms up the muscles and prepares them for exercise. Pferdebalsam with hemp supports general regeneration of the locomotive apparatus. The combination of herbs in Pferdebalsam with hemp also takes effect on the vascular system, increases venous blood flow and the elasticity of vascular walls.

Regular use increases efficacy.


Kostival lékařský

Common comfrey

Jírovec maďal

Common Horse chestnut

Kafrovník lékařský


Jalovec obecný

Common juniper

Prha horská

Arnica Montana

Jedle bělokorá

Silver fir

Borovice lesní


Borovice kleč – kosodřevina

Scrub pine

Rozmarýn lékařský


Jinan dvoulaločný


Šišák bajkalský

Baikal skullcup

Třapatka nachová


Řepík lékařský

Common Agrimony

Měsíček lékařský


Tymián obecný

Common thyme

Rdesno hadí kořen

Snake Knotweed Root

Citroník limonový

Lemon extract


Grapefruit Extract

Levandule lékařská


Vřes obecný


Rybíz černý

Black currannt

Heřmánek pravý

Wild Camomile

Paprika keříčková

Chilli extract

Skořicovník cejlonský


Máta peprná



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